
TOTAL Challenge Call for Project Requires Applicants to Share Their Projects on Social Media [FIJI]


TechInPacific – Total is currently running a project called Total Challenge, encouraging applicants to share their projects on Social Media channels and get likes as many as possible to get selected. The entry process took five weeks and now all the applicants have been given two more weeks to promote their projects on Social Media. The more likes they get, the higher they get the opportunities to get selected by the organizer.

The Challenge is an individual challenge and a part of Startupper of the year by Total Challenge. The Challenge aims at selecting projects submitted by “startuppers” based on likes they get from voters. Voters can give ‘like’ up to three projects. They will total up the likes and add 10% to the final score.

The current Total Challenge sets out in Fiji, aiming at supporting ideas and projects to overcome the society-affected issues in the nation. The projects or ideas are varied, depending on the issues applicants find important to address. It could be about education, child mortality, public health, electricity in rural areas, infrastructure, and so on. The organizer allows applicants to create projects as solutions to make life better in the nation.

Applicants are encouraged to promote their projects, how it can help and empower people, locally or even globally. Moreover, how it is able to improve the lives of many people and its contribution to economic growth.

Anyone can participate in the Challenge, including teenagers, graduates, adult regardless of their gender. They can register their projects and promote it to Social Media channels to get like as many as possible.

There will be three winners selected to receive financial support, extensive publicity and coaching. However, the first winner will be received additional support, either from the organizer or sponsors/investors.

This year’s challenge also introduces a new category—Top Female Entrepreneur. As 25% of the winners of the first Challenge were women, Total initiated to add the category as a support to women entrepreneurs and to push them to take part in the Challenge.

Female entreprenuer via

There are six selection criteria of the Challenge, including:

  1. Age: the project applicant’s age is no more than 35 years old
  2. Nationality: the participant must be a citizen of the country where the challenge is set out [Fiji]
  3. Project Age: the project or idea created within the last two years
  4. Social and Community Impact: the project must offer social impacts, especially in public health, education, safety, and other issues that affect local communities
  5. Innovation: the idea or project is brand new and never been done before
  6. Potential and Feasibility: the idea or project must have a feasibility and potential to bring advantages to the society

To find further information about Total Challenge, visit

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