TechInPacific – The TechLab PNG meetup took place in a room at Hilton Port Moresby on April 2nd 2019, starting from 5.30 AM – 7pm. Coming as a speaker at the event was Ms. Vani Nade, Director of Emstret Holdings Limited.
The meetup is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and small business owners to take part in discussions of various topics in the area of technology utilization. It’s a momentum to be engaged with other like-minded business leaders in order to find new ways of utilizing the emerging digital and data economies.
TechLab PNG meetup is a part of the TechLab PNG program which is funded by the Australian government. The pilot program is an initiative to support the development of the local technology community. It is held monthly and featured with speakers from the TechLab Accelerator Program.
Being the speaker of this month’s meetup was Vani Nades from Emstret Holdings, an Internet Service Provider that offers affordable and high-speed internet access to Papua New Guineans.
Nades delivered a keynote speech about her business journey; how she grew up, the challenges she faced during the time, and how she managed her business. According to Nades, the primary challenge she faced was the lack of mentorship. However, Nades did not want it to let her down, she kept going until what she has become now. She started a co-working space aiming at fostering a community of entrepreneurs who can encourage each other on their journeys.
Nades highlighted that entrepreneurs need to be persevered and accept failure as a lesson to achieve success. Furthermore, she also emphasized that they have to support each other as part of PNG’s growing technology community.
The TechLab PNG April Meetup was attended by more than 50 people from local entrepreneurs and the corporate sector. Additionally, the meetup was attended by women representation who made up around 40% of the attendants.
For further information about TechLab PNG, please visit You can also join the Meetup Group online to get notifications about upcoming events.